Tuesday, June 16, 2009

great flight companion...

Today on my flight from Atlanta to Orlando I boarded the plane fully frustrated by the delays and missed flights. The perfect flight companion calmed me down and helped me enjoy the next hour and half flight. His name was Ayden and he was 5 years old. He was travelling with his Mom, Dad and two brothers. Guess where they were going? Disney World of course! He spent about the first 45 minutes or so describing to me all the scary rides he planned on taking while at Disney. He was a kid with a plan and filled with excitement. He had some chewing gum. He said he chewed it to help his ears not hurt and that if my ears started hurting I could have some of his gum. I had a lot of fun for those few moments ... I forgot about everything else that was frustrating me and enjoyed listening to his excitement. With about 20 minutes left and beginning our descent into Orlando he leaned over in the middle of a sentence a fell asleep.
Enjoy Disney Ayden!

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