Monday, September 7, 2009

secondhand Jesus...

This a a very thought provoking book I'm currently reading... I thought this small portion of the book went well with some of the thought Jon was sharing at True North Church just yesterday...

The book reads... "Poverty and mediocrity are not Christian virtues, nor are they requisites for spiritual growth. But if we're not careful, we can subconsciously believe that greed is okay, that selfish ambition is not ungodly, and that as long as I am becoming successful, God must be in it. Yet somewhere along the way, we have added God to a house of idols. Our devotion to Christ is truthfully only one allegiance on a long list of loyalties. We want to rise to influence and be admired by many; we want to live in comfort, with only the best things for our kids; we want to be loved by all, validated as a real man or a real woman; we want to retire at 55 with several million a year to live on; we want to be remembered as a true pioneer, a trailblazer, a history maker. Oh... and we want to obey and follow Christ. But I'm sure He wants all those things for us anyway. As a matter of fact, He will bring about all those things - after all, doesn't the Word say that He will give us the desires of our heart?"

So here's the quetion I'm asking myself and you today... What's more important -- happiness? influence? success? fame? platform? or God?

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