Sunday, January 31, 2010

how many loaves do you have?

Another book I have been reading is "The Hole in Our Gospel" by Richard Stearns. It was suggested by our pastor Jon McClarnon. The entire book has been gripping but Chapter 24 has renewed something in me. It is entitled "How Many Loaves Do You Have?" It obviously leads you through the story of Jesus and the disciples together feeding a large crowd with just a couple of fish and a few loaves of bread.

Jesus used this event to change the way we think about underwhelming resources in the face of overwhelming challenges. The disciples (as we often do) saw a large problem, yet Christ looked at the exact same situation and saw an opportunity and had compassion. The disciples (as we often do) saw only an overwhelming predicament ... a problem to big... almost impossible to solve. Here's the shift in mindset... Jesus did not withdraw due to the size of the problem. He didn't ask about the magnitude or strategy or even feasibility. He didn't ask what it would take to solve the problem, but rather how much they had to offer.

The challenge... in the face of overwhelming problems Christ does not ask us to do the impossible.. He simply asks us to bring Him what we have. There is great joy when we see our little bit become a lot in His hands...

so... how many loaves do you have?

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