Sunday, January 30, 2011

"God's" Sticky Notes

This past week we were challenged at True North Church to participate in an exercise. We were given a package of post-it notes, and the exercise was to place sticky notes throughout your home, office, cars, etc with the word "God's" written on it... to serve as a reminder that everything belongs to God. As I began the exercise I became really clear to me how much God has given to me and has allowed me to enjoy. One young lady that was visiting said... "wow! God has a lot of stuff!" That is definitely one thing to recognize... I really do have a lot of stuff that I could actually do without if it came right down to it. The other thing I realized was the awesome task at hand ... that God has given me so much to be a good manager of... plenty from which to share His generosity. It causes me to think a little different about the stuff I have... it's not really mine... it's His... so now I am thinking more about how I can use my truck... my wallet... my debit card... my house... my life (there's a "God's sticky note on the mirror)... all for His purposes!
I dare you to take some sticky notes and do this exercise with your stuff! It just might change the way you think!

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