Thursday, August 6, 2009

solutions... focus on the right thing sales people!

I was reading a blog from a writer I read often (Seth Godin)... he made the following statement that got my attention:

"The more clarity you can get about what a successful solution looks like, the more likely you will be to have a delighted customer when you're done."

All my sales people know that my push is to sell solutions not products or services... it could be that our products and services don't make a difference... or maybe if we tweak what we're doing we could offer a solution that makes a huge difference... I think too many times we use solution terminology but all we're really doing is focusing on the solution (product and service) we want to offer rather than really digging into a potential customer's problem to discover what a great solution might be. We really need to get our minds on the problems we've been given to solve rather than the same things we always offer.

Every customer is different... every situation is different... every problem needing a solution is different...

Let's dig in and come up with some solutions that make a difference!

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